Bill Warfield RAMP Chair 916-390-6100

RAMP is here to support the membership of Branch 98. It can be called the engine that drives
the Branch. Each of these Committees is headed by a very dedicated individual. The things that
this group does is many, but I want to give to give you an idea of how we can help you get and
stay involved.

Recruiting – Charlie Aichele. He meets people where ever he goes and extolls the virtues of
being a member of SIR. He actively recruited several of our new members while manning the
booth at the Rocklin Hot Cars & Chili event.

Activities – Mike Flanagan. If you have a question about who to contact about how to become
involved in an activity, have an idea about creating another activity or even have a question
about an insurance issue to cover an activity (a recent issue) then contact Mike.

Member Relations – Robin Doria. This is the education area of RAMP. Robin conducts both
new member and sponsor orientation. We encourage every new member to attend the orientation
as it gives a history of SIR and what it means to be a member. Sponsoring a new member is
more than just introducing someone. There are expectations that come with sponsorship and this
is outlined in the sponsor orientation.

Publicity – Ken Pezzotti. To grow the Branch, we need to be involved through outreach to
potential members who don’t know about SIR, the majority of the demographic we recruit from.
There are area publications, networking groups, events and more that SIR Branch 98 needs to be
involved with. This is done through the efforts of our publicity committee.
Volunteer – if you would like to help in any of these areas, please contact the Committee Chair.

Bill Warfield – RAMP Chair
SIR Branch 98


Sponsors provide the lifeblood of SIR Branch 98 by the recruitment of new members and supporting our retention program. By providing coaching, mentoring and guidance, especially during a new member’s first year in Branch 98, oursponsors will ensure that a new member comfortably assimilates into our Branch.

Our Branch goal is not only bringing new men into our branch but to makthem feel welcome and comfortable from day one.

Your role as a new member sponsor does not end with giving your guest an application to join our Branch.

Experience has shown that many new members feel like outsiders. They can’t find a seat at a table at luncheons, members don’t engage them in conversation, and they are unaware of how to get involved in activities and events.

The following steps present you, a new member sponsor, with a guide to assist you in integrating your Guest/New Member into our Branch.

Guests– Inform your luncheon caller and our Membership Chair when you are bringing a guest to a luncheon or activity.

  • Provide your guest’s name so we can make him feel welcome with a name badge.
  • Introduce him to the Branch officers and as many other Branch members as possible, especially those at your lunch table.
  • Take your guest to the Activities Table so your guest can find out about the many activities available in our branch.


Once your guest expresses an interest in joining-

  • Assist him with completing the application.
  • Answer his questions regarding activities


Approval- Once your guest is approved by the BEC ensure they are informed and aware of the next steps:

  • Introduction of your new member to the BEC at its monthly meeting
  • Assist your new member with luncheon payment process
  • Assist your new member with locating his badge
  • Introduction of your new member to the Branch at the Luncheon
  • Having your new member make a brief statement (45 seconds) about themselves at the luncheon.
  • Have them attend the new member orientation and join them there is you can.


First 6 Months of Membership:

  • Attend luncheons with your new member
  • Invite him to events and your activities
  • Check in with him periodically to see what activities he has joined and help him learn about and engage in others that may be of interest to him.
  • Ask your new member who they would like to bring as a guest to join Branch 98
  • Discuss volunteer opportunities within the Branch and the benefits of volunteering for him and our Branch.


Continue to mentor your new member for at least one (1) year to ensure that your new member is comfortable and glad that he made the decision to join Branch 98.