Activity Coordinator :  Steve Quiggle, 916-715-9855


If you have a passion for investing or want to increase the size of your portfolio and reduce your living costs without sacrificing your quality of life, we have a group that meets monthly for an exchange of ideas and experiences. Our activity includes a Fantasy Portfolio where ‘play money’ is invested and returns are compared to market indexes. Many of us have reduced our living expenses and gotten good investment tips, including stocks, which increase our personal portfolio returns.

Great way to get to know members of the team more personally with an exchange of ideas and financial challenges between meetings. For questions about stocks, bonds, real estate or other investments and hot financial topics, this is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn more and provide your insight for other members.

If this sounds like fun then please contact Steve Quiggle for more information.


We usually meet the first Tuesday of the month at 10:00 AM.  Normally rotating between members’ homes.