You can register for access the SIR 98 website once you have received an email approving your membership application. If you are looking to register for the SIR98 golf website, information can be found at
Privacy Policy
The Branch publishes a roster for use by members of the Branch. This roster has been prepared exclusively for the private use of members of SIR, Incorporated Branch 98. Its use for any other purpose is prohibited unless approved in writing by the Branch 98 Executive Committee (BEC). Members should not share information contained in the roster, or the Members Only section of the website. Breaches of the privacy policy will be taken seriously. Violation of the policy can result in the offender being dimissed from the SIR statewide organization.
To Register, accept the Privacy Policy by clicking here: Go to Registration
- On the Regsitration form you will be asked to enter a User Name, email, first name, last name, address, phone number. We suggest that you use your email address for your User Name, as it will make one less thing to remember when you log in
- There may be a DELAY in receiving the password as it requires administration (person) to review and approve.
- Wait 24 hours before contacting us. DO NOT TRY to REGISTER AGAIN
- You will receive password via email. This is a system generated password and is very strong and safe
- Having received password, you can use it or choose to create your own password by using the Lost password or request a new password link under Contact Us/Help menu.